Reasoning and Cognition


  1. "The enduring enigma of reason"Mind & Language 33, 513-524, 2018.

  2. (With H. Veluwenkamp) "Reasoning biases, non-monotonic logics, and belief revision"Theoria 83(1), 29-52, 2017.

  3. (With E. Reck) "Carnapian explication, formalisms as cognitive tools, and the paradox of adequate formalization"Synthese 194(1), 195-215, 2017.

  4. "Reductio ad absurdum from a dialogical perspective"Philosophical Studies 173(10), 2605-2628, 2016.

  5. "A dialogical account of deductive reasoning as a case study for how culture shapes cognition"Journal of Cognition and Culture 13, 453-476, 2013.

  6. "Mathematical reasoning and external symbolic systems". Logique & Analyse 221, 45-65, 2013.

  7. “The historical and philosophical origins of normativism”Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34, pp. 253-254, 2011 (commentary on "Subtracting 'ought' from 'is': Descriptivism versus normativism in the study of human thinking" by S. Elqayam and J. Evans).


  1. "The beauty (?) of mathematical proofs”. In A. Aberdein, M. Inglis (eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. London, Bloomsbury, 2019, 63-94.