Schedule of upcoming trips, lectures and conferences
January 29: Bayreuth, colloquium series 'Women in Philosophy'
April 17-20: Vancouver, APA Pacific
May 6-10: João Pessoa, Brazilian Logic Meeting
June 24-27: Groningen, ECA
Recent past commitments
December 11-14: St. Andrews, visit to Arché and 2 talks.
November 29: Leeds, workshop Epistemology of Mathematics
October 10-13: Bonn, conference 'Disagreement in Philosophy'
September 10-14: Irsee, International Rationality Summer Institute
August 20-23: Sydney, colloquium talks at Macquarie, Wollongong and University of Sydney
August 10: Melbourne, colloquium talk at Monash University
August 2: Melbourne, colloquium talk at University of Melbourne
July 23-August 17: Canberra, as ANU Visiting Fellow
July 3-6: Amsterdam, ISSA conference
June 28-30: Hamilton (Canada), workshop 'Historiography, Methodology, Metaphilosophy and the Canon'
June 23: Leeds, workshop 'Approaches to contradiction -- Old and new'.
June 1: Amsterdam, workshop 'Philosophy within its proper bounds'
March 21-23: Bristol, research visit.
March 1: Leuven, Thursday Lectures, Institute of Philosophy.
February 19-20: Bremen, workshop of research consortium 'New Frameworks of Rationality'.
January 30: Hannover, Colloquium Lecture.
January 24: York, Colloquium Lecture.
January 3-6: Savannah, Eastern APA (didn't make it due to inclement weather!)
December 18-19: Copenhagen, Political Epistemology workshop.
December 8: Bochum, talk at the Research Colloquium Logic & Epistemology.
November 6-7: Cardiff, international conference of project 'Changing Attitudes in Public Discourse'.
November 2: Utrecht, Utrecht Philosophy Lectures series.
October 16-20: Lisbon, for a series of lectures.
September 20-23: Vienna, landmark conference of ERC project 'The emergence of relativism'.
August 21-26: Munich, ECAP.
July 18-19: Leeds, workshop 'Aesthetics of science'.
July 10-11: Berlin, conference 'Communication, reasoning, and social epistemology'.
June 26-29: Groningen, summer school 'Methodology in the history of philosophy'.
June 12-16: Dubrovnik, workshop on numbers.
May 31-June 2: Munich, conference 'Reasoning and argumentation in science'.
May 5-7: Calgary, conference of the Society for Exact Philosophy.
April 8-9: Oxford, workshop 'Group knowledge and mathematical collaboration'.
February 14: Delft, Lunch lecture, 'Porn as propaganda'(in Dutch, video through link).
December 13: Utrecht, Filosofisch Café, 'Porno is prima?'(Is porn ok?).
December 9-11: Groningen, Social epistemology master class and OZSW conference.
November 25: Basel, SWIP Germany workshop.
November 18-19: Munich, workshop 'The relevance of logic to human reasoning'.
November 16-17: Leeds, workshop 'Foundations of conceptual engineering'.
October 20-21: Moscow, Conference 'The bounds of logic'.
October 10: London, LSE, public event 'Reason and Rhetoric'
September 20-21: Bristol, workshop 'Formal approaches in social epistemology'.
August 10-13: St. Andrews, ESPP conference.
June 27-31: Montreal, Cognitive Science Summer School (via skype).
June 16-17: Essen, Philosophical methods workshop.
June 2-4: Munich, workshop at MCMP (discussant).
April 29: Geneva, Phileas talk, Department of Philosophy.
April 28: Bern, talk for the Philosophische Gesellschaft Bern.
April 22: Groningen, Nacht van de Filosofie.
April 7-9: Groningen, Roots of Deduction closing workshop.
April 2-3: Lund, two talks at the Philosophy Department.
Mach 15: Oslo, talk for ConceptLab project.
January 6-9: Washington, for the Eastern APA.
December 14: Nancy, philosophy of mathematics colloquium.
December 8: Rotterdam, Enactivism workshop.
November 26: St. Andrews, Inferentialism workshop (via skype)
November 16-17: Bergen, workshop 'The cognitive basis of logico-mathematical knowledge'.
October 28: Barcelona, for a colloquium talk at LOGOS.
October 13: Tilburg, Department Day of Philosophy (keynote lecture)
September 28: Groningen, Mathematics Colloquium.
September 14-17: Osnabrück, for GAP9.
August 3-8: Helsinki, for the CLMPS.
June 15-19: Dubrovnik, for a workshop on logical pluralism.
May 26-27: Leeds and Durham, for a workshop on 'virtuous adversariality' and a lecture at the HPS Centre seminar series.
April 29 - May 3: Montreal, talks at McGill, UQUAM and a workshop on Ockham and nominalism.
April 23-24: Nijmegen, 'Modeling Minds' workshop.
March 19-21: Paris, invited lecture at the conference 'Representation and axiomatization: power and limits'.
March 11: Groningen, Axioma Mathematics Symposium.
January 22-24: Munich, lecture at the MCMP.
December 18-19, 2014: Neuchâtel, for the annual SSPLS workshop.
December 5-7, 2014: Norwich, for the conference Aesthetics in Mathematics.
November 28, 2014: Bristol, presentation at the departmental research seminar.
October 13, 2014: Paris, for a lecture at IHPST.
September 16-19, 2014: Noto (Sicily), for the ESPP conference.
August 12, 2014: São Paulo, invited lecture at the Philosophy Department.
July 1-4, 2014: Munich, visit to MCMP.
June 30, 2014: Vienna, for a lecture at the philosophy department of the University of Vienna.
June 12-18, 2014: Cambridge, for the 20th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics.
June 3, 2014: Eindhoven, talk at the Philosophy Department at TU Eindhoven.
May 16, 2014: Edinburgh, workshop of the Edinburgh Women in Philosophy Group.
May 12-13, 2014: St. Andrews, workshop 'Medieval Logic & Metaphysics'.
April 16-20, 2014: San Diego, for the Pacific APA.
April 7-8, 2014: Bristol, for the 'Deductive Mathematical Cognition and Philosophy' conference.
March 21, 2014: Amsterdam, DIP Colloquium, ILLC.
January 21-24, 2014: Munich, visit to MCMP.
December 3-5, 2013: Groningen, workshop 'Proof-theory and philosophy'
September 12-14, 2013: Salzburg, for SOPhiA
September 2-4, 2013: Groningen, for the conference Dialectic and Aristotle's Logic
August 14-15, 2013: Buenos Aires, for a lecture at SADAF.
August 8, 2013: São Paulo, giving a lecture at the Computer Science department of the University of São Paulo.
July 3-6, 2013: Munich, for the workshop Carnap's work on logic
June 17-19, 2013: Antwerp, for the conference 'The Reach of Radical Embodied or Enactive Cognition'
June 13, 2013: Paris, for a talk at the PhilMath Intersem colloquium.
May 30, 2013: Groningen, workshop 'Argumentation in Mathematics'.
May 14-17, 2013: Munich, for a visit to the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy.
May 13, 2013: Prague, for a lecture at the Czech Academy of Sciences.
April 23-26, 2013: Lund, for G.I.R.L.
April 1-5, 2013: Rio de Janeiro, for UNILOG.
March 27-31, 2013: San Francisco, for the Pacific APA.
January 21-25, 2013: Munich, for a visit to the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy.